

Mobility Load Balancing Scheme Based on Cell Priority in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks



Mobility load balancing (MLB) is a significant technology in Long Term Evolution Advanced heterogeneous cellular networks (HCN). To solve high handover performance loss issue and the potential Ping-Pong problem, a novel MLB scheme based on cell priority is proposed. Considering the impact of different user mobile speeds and cell coverage radius of HCN, we define a handover tolerance as the priority of load balancing to reduce the system performance loss caused by user handover. Furthermore, we use the load balancing index to evaluate the load balancing of HCN, then the load allocation mechanism of overlapping cells is deployed to overcome potential Ping-Pong problem. Simulation results show that the proposed MLB scheme has better performance than the original MLB scheme in terms of the system throughput and the number of unsatisfied users. Meanwhile, the handover times are also improved.


 1. Introduction
 2. System Model
  2.1. A HCN Scenario
  2.2. Load Balancing Evaluation Metrics
 3. Problem Formulation
 4. Proposed MLB Scheme
  4.1. Handover Tolerance
  4.2. Load Allocation Mechanism of Overlapping Cells
  4.3. Final Threshold of Load Balancing
  4.4. Description of the Proposed MLB
 5. Simulation Result
  5.1. Simulation Parameters
  5.2. Performance Comparison and Analysis
 6. Conclusions


  • Lin Xiao Information engineering School, Nanchang University
  • Fahui Wu Information engineering School, Nanchang University
  • Xiaolan Zhang Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
  • Tiankui Zhang Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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