

A Complete Analysis of Tolerance of Component in Analog VLSI Circuits Using Sensitivity



In this paper we focused on practical method to perform tolerance analysis of analog circuits. Any circuit is the combination of passive, controlled and independent sources. The characteristics of analog circuit is totally depends upon the values of components used. So this paper gives detailed analysis of circuit parameter variation. To execute this analysis we use sensitivity method. Using this method we can analyze any analog circuit component tolerance. Tolerance is one of the most important parameter which is considered during the design of analog VLSI circuit. So with the help of sensitivity analysis we can also calculate the component tolerance. We perform sensitivity analysis of various circuit in this paper and show how the value of any component parameter change the circuit behavior. All the equation and model for sensitivity analysis of analog VLSI circuit and simulation are done with the help of MATLAB tool.


 1. Introduction
 2. Sensitivity Analysis
  2.1. Sensitivity Analysis of Voltage Divider Circuit
 3. Analysis of Filter Circuit
  3.1. Sensitivity Analysis of RLC Filter Circuit
 4. Analysis of Integrator Circuit
 5. Analysis of Active Filter Circuit
 5. Result Analysis
 6. Conclusion


  • J. Vineela Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, A1GIET, Markapur
  • G. Praneetha Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, A1GIET, Markapur
  • R. Harshad Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, A1GIET, Markapur
  • K. Masrunnisa Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, A1GIET, Markapur
  • M. Pruthvi Kumar Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, A1GIET, Markapur
  • T. Sandeep Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, A1GIET, Markapur


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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