

한국인 일본어학습자의 상 습득에 관한 연구-카이스퀘어 검정값에 의한 해석을 중심으로-



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is research mother tongue which kinds of the Korean learners effect on inquiry learning '∼TEIRU' and to learn the Japanese language, would you consider the level of difficulty in the acquisition process on the Korean mother tongue speaker. Investigation was used Korea・Japan parallel grammar test, SPSS statistical program conducted using ratio analysis and Chi-square test was presented with the mother tongue transition interference, correct use and misuse, over-use and non-use specifically. Analysis result, Korean learner's aspect picking up when degree of difficulty who is appeared by progression and result state (occasion that syntax structure is same), completion, recollection (occasion that syntax structure is same), the fourth kind verb + TEIRU sentence, result state (KOITTA is from connected with desorption verb and related to the part of body), message, progression and result state (syntax structure is dissimilar), result state (that is not used some because locomotive verb, syntax structure is dissimilar), completion and confirmation recollection (syntax structure is dissimilar), result state (locomotive verb especially postposition 'wo' and 'ni' with relativity).


本論文は、韓国人学習者が日本語を習得する際に母語が'∼ている'文の習得においてどんな影響を及ぼすかを調査し、相習得過程における難易度を考察した。調査は韓・日並列文法テストを使用し、SPSSの統計プログラムを利用して比率分析とχ2乗検定を実施し、‘母語の転移や干渉’ ‘正用と誤用’ ‘過剰使用’ ‘非使用’を提示した。分析結果、韓国人学習者の相習得は進行状態と結果状態(統辭構造が同じ場合)、完了、確認・回想(統辭構造が同じもの)、‘第4種動詞+ている’、結果状態(脱着動詞、身体部位と関連された動詞類と共に使われるもの)、伝言、進行状況と結果状態(統辭構造が違うもの)、結果状態(移動動詞と共に使われるもので統辞構造が違う場合)、完了と確認の回想(統辭構造が違うもの)、結果状態(移動動詞と共に使われるもので特に格助詞 ‘を’ ‘に’を伴う場合)のプロセスを持つことが分かった。


1. 서론
 2. 선행연구 및 연구방법
 3. 분석 및 고찰
 4. 결론


  • 尹錫任 윤석임. 한신대학교 학술원 연구교수, 대조언어학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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