

『日本霊異記』上巻23・24縁に語られるもの -古代日本の家族の在り方と母親像-


『일본령이기』상권23・24연に어られるもの -고대일본の가족の재り방と모친상-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



“Nihon Ryoiki” zyokan episode 23 relationships press it for return of the rice which a person called Miyasu lent to mother and become the confused state and are the story that has died of starvation and cold at last. Miyasu the while keep studying Confucianism, receive karmic retribution because you did not practice the “Filial piety”. Economic aspects with a new system called Ritsuryosei will shake the faith in the ties of traditional mother and child, it led to the collapse of the mother image. In this way, by the family consciousness is transformed, spread a sense of crisis to the home collapse to people, probably this narrative was born in such anxiety. Episode 24, daughter refused to give Saiziki mother to Sainiti is a story that died screaming and nail sticks to slow breast According to its reward. Another goods of parent and child, from the lack of notion cultivate parent, this edge is focused on strictly “personal” When depict a parent-child. Awareness of “individual” by Buddhism, rocked also the parent-child love and their relationship. That is, when the paternal notion have interrupted at relatively strong mother-child relationship, alienated “mother”, which should be the most intimate it would have been eliminated. And they is a believer of the new religion to the mother, including. Etc. As can be seen from Handen and Soyocho and family register, the system that statute has brought to concomitantly people, apart from the crowd, such as family and community, it is recognizing the spirit of the “people” as individuals , Buddhism was brought to the people also, it seems to be was a conscious reduction to the body and spirit in an individual, such as symbolized by the “impermanence” outlook


1. はじめに
 2. 不孝息子と母-上巻23縁
 3. 不孝娘と母-上巻24縁
 4. 上巻23・24縁に語られるもの
 5. むすび


  • 洪聖牧 홍성목. 韓国外国語大学校 ミネルバ教養学部 非常勤講師, 日本上代文学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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