

3.11 동일본대지진 이후의 일본 진재문학과 마이너리티-원전사고와 차별문제를 중심으로-



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In Japan society, there is an unique view of minority. It is different from as set out in an international organization or are generally accepted usage of minority. The most noticeable feature of the unique view of minority is it regards minority as an ‘Being discriminated underdog’. Therefore, when looking at various contexts of the minority of Japanese society, the existing definition of minority doesn't help to read it. The case of literature work that has more wide range for interpretation, is even more so. The 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. There has never been and never will be such a disaster as this and it has great influence with the Japanese society as a whole. ‘Reconstruction of the minority’ into this category as one of a violent change. Especially nuclear power plant, it has an inextricable connection between the past and the present with ‘Being discriminated underdog’. This paper is focusing that Who or What of Japanese society is making the ‘group that called minority’, considering the unique view of Japanese society. Through disaster literacy work after the 3.11 great east Japan earthquake, it can guess how the nuclear power plant accident is making and reconstructing the minority of Japan society.


日本社会でのマイノリティ概念は既存の国際的マイノリティ概念定義や用語の用法とは相当な差異を持つ。もっとも顕著な差異は日本社会がマイノリティを'差別される弱者'としてとらえている点である。にもかかわらず先行の研究では日本社会特有のマイノリティ概念ではなく、一般的定義にしたがってマイノリティ文学やマイノリティ表象を考察してきた。 本稿では日本社会特有のマイノリティ概念をふまえつつ、3.11東日本大震災以降日本の震災文学でマイノリティがどのように描かれているのかを考察する。 3.11以降、とくに福嶋原発事故発生以降の放射能流出と汚染は日本社会のマイノリティ再編成と不可分の関係をなす。原発労働者の被曝問題、事故のリスクを背負って原発を誘致した地域と原発から得られる利益だけを享受してきた地域の対立構図など、原発は3.11以前からも犠牲と差別を起こす原因として論難の対象になってきた。 本稿ではとくに原発と差別、排除というキーワードを元に作品と震災以降の日本社会とのコンテクスト的解釈をもとめて作品を考察しようとする。


1. 서론
 2. 본론
  2.1 원전과 마이너리티
  2.2 창출되는 마이너리티
  2.3 잠재적 마이너리티는 누구인가
 3. 결론


  • 최가형 고려대학교대학원 중일어문학과 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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