





피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Modern Japanese ‘teoku’ has polysemous structure. A study on the polysemy of ‘teoku’ has been done by takahasi taro, yosikawa mutoki, suzuki sigeyuki, kasamachu ikuko, kikutchi yasuhito, yui kikuko, sakai mieko, and yamamoto yuko. However, it is too soon to tell that the classification, derivation process and semantic relations of ‘teoku’ have been completely explained. To answer this question, it is necessary to approach not only semantic but also formative aspects of ‘teoku’ as well as reconsider how to set fundamental meanings of it. In this respect, the present study attempted to classify ‘teoku’ based on the difference in sentence structure and reviewed it from the perspective of ‘teoku’ sematic transformation ‘Subject’, ‘Object’ and ‘Place’. The findings are as follows. Main verb ‘oku’ has the original meanings of (A) install: ‘to take a certain position’ and (B) fix: ‘to keep an object where it is’. When ‘teoku’ is used as auxiliary verb for the main verb ‘oku’, it has the fundamental meanings of (a) install: ‘to position a specific thing or person to a specific thing or place to intall’ and (b) fix: ‘to act on and change a specific thing or person to fix to a spatial place or a specific thing as it or he/she is’. Semantic transformation of ‘teoku’ is derived from (a) install and (b) fix. From ‘(a) install’ of ‘teoku’, ‘(①) act 1’: ‘uketeka’ meaning ‘place’ is derived; ‘(③) completion of act during a time’: temporalization of ‘place’ and ‘(④) completion of act before a set time and progression of consequence’. Among them, other derivations take place from ‘(①) act 1’ to ‘(①) act 2’ by abstractness of ‘an object’, and from ‘(④) completion of act before a set time and progression of consequence’ to ‘(⑤) prepare’ by the dropping of ni case). In addition, ‘(⑥) progression of act or state of a certain time’ is derived from ‘(b) fix’ by temporalization of ‘place’ and case substitution and ‘(⑦) neglect 1’ is derived by the dropping of hatarakikakesei and ni case. Again, ‘(⑧) neglect 2’ is derived from ‘(⑥) progression of act or state of a certain time’ by the dropping of hatarakikakesei.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究と問題提起
 3. 基本義
 4. 空間的な設置をもとにした派生義
 5. 空間的な固定をもとにした派生義
 6. 「~ておく」の多義と派生関係
 7. おわりに


  • 崔柳美 최유미. 東北大学大学院 文学研究科 博士後期過程, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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