

非情物主語の他動詞文について -文の意味構造および表現事態を中心に-


비정물주어の타동사문について -문の의미구조および표현사태を중심に-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines what kind of events transitive sentence of inanimate subject expresses in terms of transitivity . I collected 500 sentences of transitive sentence of inanimate subject from novels and practical books and used it for analysis. As a type of semantic structure, 「affection + change type(25%of the totall)」, 「affection type(59.6%)」, 「non-affection type(15.4%)」 are observed. 「affection type」 showed the highest frequency. Following I summarize the characteristics of each type. First 「affection + change」 type is the type that causes a change of complement. In the 「affection + change」 type(125 cases) there are 81cases which changes of animate noun complement and 44 cases changes of inanimate noun complement. Psychological change of animate noun and physical change of inanimate noun appears frequently. Subject types of physiological change are limited as ① natural phenomena, ② concrete object (food), ③ sense. On the other hand subject types of psychological changes extremely diverse. Specifically ① inner feelings and thoughts of human, ② what human says, ③ some facts and incidents, circumstances, ④ TV, media, music, media, ⑤ variety of other things. Second 「affection type」is the type which affect to the complement but does not change of the complement. 「affection type」shows the highest frequency (59.6% of all). In the 298 cases of 「affection type」there are 249 cases affect to animate noun complement and 49 cases affect to inanimate noun. The 「affection + change」type and 「affection」type show similar tendency of subject types corresponding to the predicate situation. Third, 「non-affection type」is the type which does not affect to complement. 77 cases observed (15.4% of the total). As a sub-type of the 「non-affection type」there are types as like (1)the type represents human’s acts, (2)the type which express number measured specific instruments or refers to deep meaning of certain facts. (3)the type represents the nature or characteristics.


1. はじめに
 2. 前提
  2.1 先行研究
  2.2 本稿の捉え方および資料
 3. 考察
  3.1 「働き掛け+変化」タイプ
  3.2 「働き掛け」タイプ
  3.3 「非働き掛け」タイプ
 4. まとめ


  • 崔瑞暎 최서영. 韓国外国語大学 講師, 日本語学専攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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