

国立国語研究所「󰡔外来語󰡕言い換え提案」の外来語と理解度について -計量調査に入る前の問題提起を中心に-


국립국어연구소「󰡔외래어󰡕언い환え제안」の외래어と이해도について -계량조사に入る전の문제제기を중심に-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics(NINJAL) concerned about the overuse of loanwrods in Japanese language, established The Loanwords Committee, publishing “A suggestion for using substitute words instead of loanwords” in 2006. The report proposed to use native Japanese vocabulary, including Chinese characters, instead of using the 176 loanwords. What kind of meaning does it have for the guidelines on state policy about the language to be announced by a public organization? It means that, according to the guidelines, government offices will publish with original Japanese, words, notations, or expressions without these words . And Media like newspapers will also publish articles without using these words. In addition, the national language policy is connected directly with Japanese education. For example, in Japanese education, teachers will not use and teach these words positively. And The Japan Foundation will not ask these words in the questions on Japanese Language Proficiency Test(JLPT). In this way, through government example and the JLPT, there will be an influence on Japanese spoken outside Japan. First, this report introduce what kind of substitute are suggested for various loanwords, and then investigates the necessity to use original Japanese words as substitutes before conducting a newspaper database for the purpose of this study.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究
 3. 国研の「󰡔外来語󰡕言い換え提案(2006)」とは
  3.1 第1回(2003)62語と理解度
  3.2 第2回(2003)47語と理解度
  3.3 第3回(2004)32語と理解度
  3.4 第4回(2006)35語と理解度
 4. 「外来語」176単語の理解度について
  4.1 理解度別の統計
  4.2 「外来語」選定の疑問点と国語政策
  4.3 理解度における疑問点
 5. まとめと今後の課題


  • 高草木美奈 韓国外国語大学校 日語日文学科 博士課程, 語学専攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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