

A Drop Aware TCP Rate Control Algorithm for Heterogenic Internet Access



In this paper, an end-to-end TCP throughput control mechanism called DARCA has been presented. DARCA controls TCP throughput through introducing extra packet drop rate or round trip time. The extra packet drop rate and round trip time are calculated from Throughput Control Mode. It provides single point control of end-to-end TCP throughput even if some of the bottlenecks are remote. DARCA identifies remotely bottlenecked TCP connections and provide polices of excess bandwidth redistribution. Further, per class control mechanism is used to reduce the overhead of rate enforcement. Simulation results show that DARCA gives good policy-based throughput control performance for both homogeneous and heterogeneous TCP connections.


 1. Introduction
 2. Algorithm Overview
 3. Class Control
 4. Performance Evaluation
  4.1. Remotely Bottlenecked Connection
  4.2. Events Handle
  4.3. Per Class Control
 5. Conclusion


  • Bin Zeng Center of Information Management, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan, China
  • Lu Yao Center of Information Management, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan, China


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