

Automated Construction Cost Estimation System Using DB Modeling of a TBM Construction Classification System



In this study, a work information classification system for the TBM tunnel construction was proposed along with a conceptual model of an automated cost estimation system, with the goal of relieving the cumbersome operation of existing systems. The conceptual modeling of the automated cost estimation system involves systematizing the construction cost estimation process, by organizing a work information classification system in the form of a relational data base which reflects the processes that comprise the construction work. This proposed automation system is expected to be effectively applied to TBM tunnel construction sites as a scientific cost estimation system.


 1. Introduction
 2. TBM Construction Work Information Classification System
  2.1. Work Information Classification System Composition
  2.2. Detailed Classification of the TBM Tunnel Construction Information Classification System
 3. Cost Estimation Automation Model
  3.1. Cost Estimation Automation Data Modeling Work Information Classification System Composition
  3.2. Preliminary Construction Cost Prediction Formula Model According to the TBM Diameter
 4. Conclusion


  • Park Hong Tae Department of Civil Engineering, Kongju National University, 275 Budae-dong, Seobuk-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungnam 331-717, Republic of Korea
  • Boo-Hyung Lee Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kongju National University


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