

東アジアにおける『神仏習合』 -『新羅殊異伝』『円光』を中心に-


동アジアにおける『신불습합』 -『신라수리전』『엔광』を중심に-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



“Syncretism of gods and buddhism(Shinbutsu-shugo神仏習合)” is defined as the union and harmonization of the imported Buddhism with the ancient indigenous belief in the deities of Japan, which only later came to be called Shinto. This became the fundamental concept of coexistence and acceptance of the Gods and Buddha, unique to Japan. However , “Shinbutsu-shugo” is private faith and Buddhist relations of East Asia, is a universal aspect. This study to reread the “WonKwang 円光” of “Silla-suijeon 新羅殊異伝” From the point of view on “Shinbutsu-shugo” at East Asia. Fox God that appeared in “Won Kwang” has the character of “guardian”. The background to this, there is a guardian god of mountain and “Hwarang” of Silla. Fox God is devotion to Buddhism, is the “Jinshin-Ridatsu(away from the body of God 神身離脱” of East Asia. And, “Won Kwang” resembles Chinese “Kosoden (biographies of high ranking monks 高僧伝)-An Shigao 安世高” in the development of the story. It is a “View real God”, “sea of guardian god”, “A tale about the origin of the place-name” the same, there is influence from Chinese “Kosoden”.


1. はじめに
 2. 『新羅殊異伝』「円光」と関連文献
 3. 東アジアの「狐信仰」と 三岐山の神の本性
 4. 『高僧伝』における「神身離脱」
 5. おわりにー伝奇文学から霊験伝へー


  • 趙恩馤 조은애. 崇実大学校 日語日文学科 助教授, 東アジアの比較説話研究


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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