

植民地朝鮮の日本怪談流通に関する研究 -1920年代の新聞怪談シリーズと怪談映画流通を中心として-


식민지조선の일본괴담유통に관する연구 -1920년대の신문괴담シリーズと괴담영화유통を중심として-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to review the concrete correlation between Japanese ghost stories and Chosun ghost stories in colonial Chosun. It was 1930s that ghost story became acknowledged as one genre. This study is to find out how Japanese ghost movies produced in Japan were distributed in Gyeongseong by analyzing the titles and contents of Celebrity news of 1920s in Japanese newspaper named (1906~1945). As a result, it was found out that the ghost stories in Chosun newspaper and those in Japanese newspaper were both influenced by Japanese culture which presents ‘ghost stories are popular in summer’ with their common denominator called . Even though, Japan was the origin country of ghost stories, Japanese people were passive with using the title ‘ghost story’. It seems like they were concerned about misunderstanding ghost stories from superstition. However, Japanese ghost story called was released as a movie every summer and magazine advertisements of Japanese newspaper were filled with geeky title like ghost story special despite the intention of Japan. Therefore, it is indicated that ghost culture was directly distributed to public as a form of movie or book even though Japan tried to lead public culture through cultural policy.


1. はじめに
 2. 植民地朝鮮の新聞と「怪談」シリーズ
  2.1 朝鮮語新聞󰡔毎日申報󰡕と怪談
  2.2 日本語新聞󰡔京城新聞󰡕と怪談
 3. 京城の活動写真と怪談
 4. 新聞の怪談と映画・雑誌怪談の格差
 5. おわりに


  • 中村静代 弘益大学校 助教授, 日本近現代文学専攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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