중도돈『プウルの방で』における 조선인유곽の표상と<월경>への욕망
In this paper, I examined the representation of the Korean licensed quarter(朝鮮人遊廓) described in Atsushi Nakajima(中島敦)’s Puuru No Sobade(「プウルの傍で」,besides the pool). Puuru No Sobade describes, through the eye of a junior‐high‐school boy, Sanzo(三造), the reality of the Korean licensed quarter that could be only known by someone who had experienced a colony. In this sense, Puuru No Sobade could be read as a work that revealed the prostitution issues in colonies. However, Sanzo’s experience was described in a style of recalling narrative as one‐time ‘sexual adventure’ of a boy, in other words, an attempted whoredom, and we cannot regard it getting to the heart of the discriminations in a colony or exploitations of women’s sexuality by prostitutions.
2. 植民地朝鮮における公娼制の施行と遊廓の設置
3. 中島敦「プウルの傍で」
3.1 執筆の経緯と概要
3.2 男子校文化とホモソーシャルへの志向性
4. 境界を<越境>する少年
4.1 「プウルの傍で」における朝鮮人遊廓の表象
4.2 <越境>という冒険―三造の遊廓体験
5. おわりに―<境界線>によって生まれる欲望