

現代 日本語 排他的 限定副詞에 관한 考察 -とりたて 觀點에서-


현대 일본어 배타적 한정부사에 관한 고찰 -とりたて 관점에서-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper identified “tada, tanni, moppara, hitoeni”, which are categorized as toritate adverbs of the modern Japanese language, as exclusive qualifying adverbs and analyzed 4 forms of toritate grammatical properties. Most of all, 4 forms are syntactically all the same in that they can directly modify a predicate but a noun and cannot modify a predicate with a postposition placed behind. However, the difference is that only“moppara” can be a predicate by accompanying a copula word and “hitoeni” does not show the modification of a noun when “no” is placed in between. In addition, 4 forms are identical in that they are able to coexist with toritate postpositions of “take, bakari, shika, nomi”. It is characteristic that the postpositions commonly precede the Subject in the distribution of a sentence, but they are followed by the Subject when “moppara” is used as a predicate. Meanwhile, semantically “tada, tanni, moppara, hitoeni” all have the characteristics of toritate, 「Contrast between the Subject and the Other」and are the same in that they show the meaning of 「Affirmation of the Subject」 and 「Negation of the Other」. Nevertheless, “moppara” in particular, also has the meaning of 「Affirmation of the Other」under the restriction that “moppara” has a lot of Subjects.




1. 머리말
 2. 先行硏究
 3. 構文論的 特徵
  3.1 分布的 特性
  3.2 共存하는 表現과의 關係
  3.3 構文的 位置와 自者
 4. 意味論的 特徵
  4.1 自者와 他者 그리고 他者否定과他者肯定
  4.2 評價性
 5. 맺음말


  • 조애숙 동국대학 일어일문학과 교수, 일본어학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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