





피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper presents an investigation into the meanings and translation into Korean of a Japanese nominalized suffix 「-かた(kata)」, which is added to the conjugation forms of verbs and converts verbs into nouns. 「-かた」nouns have polysemy, which can cause problems with translation of 「-かた」noun sentences into Korean. The study thus examined the meanings of 「-かた」nouns in previous studies, whose assortment reveals that 「-かた」nouns are interpreted as ① methods and means, ② forms and aspects, and ③ resulting conditions(states). The meanings of 「-かた」depend on the types of verbs and connections with adjuncts. In the study, verbs were , and analysis was conducted with a couple of examples for each category. Specifically, 「-かた」nouns of activity verbs and act on verbs are interpreted to mean methods and shapes, those of change of state verbs shapes and resulting conditions(states), and those of causative change of state verbs methods, forms, and resulting conditions(states). It was pointed out that it would be desirable to figure out their meanings in the contexts before and after 「-かた」nouns including their relations with adjuncts such as adverbs and predicates attached before and after them and previous sentences. The translations of 「-かた」nouns into Korean may usually take the form of a noun phrase such as 「-하는 방법, 모습, 정도」. 「「-かた」nouns +を+する(やる)」phrases are translated into “nouns+predicates” or verb predicate sentences for original verbs with 「-かた」attached to. When 「-かた」noun sentences were comprised of noun predicate sentences such as 「「-かた」nouns +である・だ」, they were sometimes translated into verb predicate sentences for the original verb. In addition, 3.5. examined the translations of 「在り方(ari-kata)」into Korean since its uses had been recognized to be idiomatic among the stative verbs deemed to be difficult to be nominalized with 「-かた」 in previous studies.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究での「-方」の意味
 3. 「-方」の韓国語翻訳
  3.1. 動作動詞+「-方」
  3.2. 働きかけ動詞+「-方」
  3.3. 状態変化動詞+「-方」
  3.4. 使役状態変化動詞+「-方」
  3.5. 状態動詞+「-方」
 4. おわりに


  • 申仁榮 신인영. 인하대학교 대학원 일어일본학과 박사과정, 일본어학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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