

日本語と韓国語の副詞の対照研究 -‘전혀(cheonhyeo)’ と‘さっぱり(sappari)’を中心に-


일본어と한국어の부사の대조연구 -‘전혀(cheonhyeo)’ と‘さっぱり(sappari)’を중심に-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is an analysis about the meaning area, the emergence tendency, predicate form of that “Cheonhyeo” and “Sappari”. The result is:1.In terms of the meaning field, “Cheonhyeo” means is 「Tomuji(at all)」「Wanjeonhi(totally)」「Aju(very)」「Oroji(only)」. In terms of the meaning field “Sappari” means is 「Sukkiri(clean)」「Assari(with good grace)」「Sukkari(all)」 「Zenzen(at all)」. Which means “Sappari” is more frequently used in a negative expression. “Cheonhyeo” is more frequently used in a positive expression than “Sappari”. 2.In terms of appearance tendency, 36.8% of “Sappari” appears in 「dialogue」 and 89.0% of “Cheonhyeo” appears in 「description」. It is also proved that “Sappari” is more colloquial and “Cheonhyeo” is a more written style. 3.In terms of corresponding predicate forms, “Cheonhyeo” is appears in 「verb+infinitive」 form, and 「noun+infinitive」 form. “Cheonhyeo” is the infinitive and the response rate 73%, and there are a lot of negative response to the predicate type. “Sappari” is appear in 「verb+ない(negative)」, 「noun+ない(negative)」, 「adjective(verb)」 forms. 4.Corresponding predicate types are, “Cheonhyeo” has 「noun+no exist」 forms are for the most lot. But “Sappari” has 「分からない(don’t know)」 forms are 65.0%(5 sentence). Whose the advent of the frequency is the fourth. In addition, the second frequent predicate of “Cheonhyeo” is 「not do」for 12.8%(89 sentence). [するverb(do)] correspond to “Sappari” has only 5 sentence. Therefore, 「noun+no exist」, 「not do」 type is the unique feature of “Cheonhyeo”. “Cheonhyeo” has more predicates to correspond to and has broad meaning field than “Sappari”.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究
  2.1 ‘전혀(cheonhyeo)’について
  2.2 ‘さっぱり(sappari)’について
 3. データの採集法と出現ジャンル
 4. 対照分析
  4.1 ‘전혀(cheonhyeo)’と‘さっぱり(sappari)’の意味領域と出現傾向
  4.2 ‘전혀(cheonhyeo)’と‘さっぱり(sappari)’と呼応する述語の形式
  4.3 ‘전혀(cheonhyeo)’と‘さっぱり(sappari)’と呼応する述語の種類
 5. まとめと今後の課題


  • 金慶恵 김경혜. 仁川大学校 師範大学 日語教育科 教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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