

왕인전승의 탄생과 고대의 왕인인식



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Wani was the first man to transmit Chinese character and the teachings of Confucius and wrote the lyrics for song which was called “Naniwazu no uta” when the imperial Prince Osazaki’s throne succession. By the way, in Wani’s transmission in ancient times shows not only his academic activity but also his political sufferings. He achieved recognition from people, because of his academic activity in Japan. But before then, he was sent to Japan as human tribute. And more over, the imperial Prince Uji, the student of his, who was expected to be the Japanese Imperor was dead without succession to the throne. Therefore, Wani should had entrusted his life to the imperial Prince Osazaki instead. In that meaning, Wani was an unlucky man in the political view point. His sending to Japan and transmission of Chinese character, the teachings of Confucius and writing the lyrics for song which was called “Naniwazu no uta” shows his academic activity in Japan, but it also suggests his political sufferings. In these multiplex awareness of awareness of Wani in ancient times affected a lot to Wani’s transmission in historical record and literary description in process of extension.


1. 서론
 2. 최초의 왕인전승 - 『고사기』와 『일본서기』의 한적전수전승
 3. 『속일본기』와 왕인의 가계전승
 4. 『고금화가집』 가나서문과 왕인
 5. 고대의 왕인인식
 6. 결론


  • 정태욱 고려대학교 대학원 박사수료, 일본문학전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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