





피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As described above, I was examined for deer appearing in Japanese classical literature. Description of the deer be varied indeed, description consisting mainly of ritual is transmitted in ancient times, such as the tradition of the white deer that is sacred and entertainment, the deer dance and divination that Shikaboku is transmitted. And According to the “Harima Fudoki” is used the blood of deer in rice cultivation rituals of ancient Japan, research results in various have been hammered out what they mean, but another thing which I believe Juryoku to dwell in blood of deer will not. And, in the “Manyoshu”, deer are sung as an animal that represents wife love, divorce, vermin, and hunting, but are poems by causing with Hagi as Keibutsu of fall mainly, if you appear as stir lovesickness and often. By the way, poetic sentiment of the people of that time are stimulated in a harrowing sound of the cry of the deer, most of the songs on the deer is in the song Wing in the fall, but in the representation with the authority to “The Shijing” and “Rokumei” Yes, you have the meanings champions Gusuru the honored guests at a party also is certain. Era as the down, change seems to have occurred also in the sense of people about deer, As you look at the story and “Yamato Monogatari” and “Konjaku Monogatarishuu” and “UjiShui Monogatari”, more than one for flowers and deer it is believed that there is a way of feeling, even in the same period, the “City”, “chick”, that it is is associated with values ​​as “excellent”, “poor” and “new” and “old”. It began to gain a position as a “Sacred Beast” If you look and lore that appeared as God and example, of white deer and Shinji variety is obvious that the deer, but on the other hand, as vermin to devour the crops field it was also the subject of hunting. Therefore, for vermin extermination, it is because you can develop also culture eating deer that is caught, up to the Edo period from the Heian period, to confirm its mark.


1. はじめに
 2. 神事と稲作儀礼における鹿
  2.1 神事と鹿
  2.2 稲作儀礼と鹿
 3. 鹿の鳴き声
 4. 都の鹿と鄙の鹿
 5. 狩猟と肉食の対象としての鹿
 6. むすび


  • 洪聖牧 홍성목. 韓国外国語大学校 日本学部 非常勤講師, 日本上代文学専攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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