

「北野天神縁起」に現れている天神(道真)の様相 -託宣⦁利益場面を中心に-


「배야천신연기」に현れている천신(도진)の양상 -탁선⦁이익장면を중심に-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to examine the aspects of Tenjin(天神) in “Kitano Tenjin Engi(北野天神縁起)” by focusing on a divine message and a profit scene. In a divine message scene of “Kitano Tenjin Engi”, Tenjin(Michizane) showed an aspects as (1)vindictive spirit, (2)vindictive spiritㆍgod of the mercy, (3)god that clarifies reward and punishment. Tenjin also showed an aspects as (1)household gods of regents and the chief adviser to the Emperor(摂関家), (2)Temmano Dajizai Tenjin(天満大自在天神), (3)god of the poetry sentence, (4)guardian deity of the basis of the Empire, (5)god that clears himself from innocence, (6)representative of god ㆍgod that take away his disgrace, (7)vindictive spirit in a profit scene. Tenjin accomplishes various changes in a divine message and a profit scene of “Kitano Tenjin Engi”. In particular, Tenjin showed power of god as the “Archery” ㆍ “Temmano Dajizai Tenjin”ㆍvindictive spiritㆍ“Dajouitokuten(大政威徳天)” in the text, while keeping as for the aspects of the “Temmano Dajizai Tenjin”ㆍvindictive spirit, and it transforms as an object of faith for this world profit in the function and role to more concretely in a divine message and a profit scene.


1. はじめに
 2. 託宣場面における天神の様相
  2.1 怨霊
  2.2 怨霊ㆍ慈悲の神
  2.3 賞罰を明らかにする神
 3. 利益場面における天神の様相
  3.1 摂関家の守護神
  3.2 天満大自在天神
  3.3 詩文の神
  3.4 皇基の守護神ㆍ慈悲の神
  3.5 無実を晴らしてくれる神
  3.6 神の代表ㆍ恥をすすいでくれる神
  3.7 怨霊
 4. おわりに


  • 韓正美 한정미. 檀国大学校 日本研究所 学術研究教授, 日本古典文学専攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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