

일한·한일 소설 번역의 평가 모달리티 분석-「なくてはいけない」「べき」「-야 되/하」를 중심으로-



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Diontic modality in this study, “nakutewaikenai” “beki” “ya handa” for the translation of the novel translate materials analyzed. Evaluation of modaliy expressed a high degree of compulsion which is classified as “nakutewaikenai” and “ya handa” is simply a speaker and a listener for a high degree of force does not mean only obligation. In particular, the Korean “ya handa” implies the use of a high percentage of Japanese in the area of ​​semantic “nakutewaikenai” wider than the side. Thus, when translated work “nakutewaikenai” translations “ya handa” for the phenomenon is mainly translation is not a big issue, but “nakutewaikenai” most “ya handa” as a translation for the expression of a little more translation is needed to see the advantage of diversity. In this study, the Japanese non-translated text, appearing in the Japanese novel “nakutewaikenai” appeared than in the translate novel “nakutewaikenai” and suggested various expressions by replacing the various translation alternatives. Translation is not only a character-by-character conversion but a means-by-means conversion. The same is true for translation of modality. Target language (Target Language) readers should be familiar with the forms of expression. Non-translation text corpus analysis to compare with the translation text translation-oriented readers should be easy to read.


1. 서론
 2. 연구 범위 및 자료
 3. 「なくてはいけない」「べきだ」의 번역
 4. 「-야 되/하」의 번역
 5. 결론


  • 이주리애 한국외대 강사, 통번역 전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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