

한·일 초등학교 3학년 국어교과서 어휘 고찰 -품사별 사용빈도 상위어 비교를 중심으로-



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, through Korean and Japanese 3rd grade language textbooks comparison of the vocabulary words that appear in both books the most frequently used words by part of speech of the study was to reveal similarities and differences. To sum up briefly study results are as follows. 1) In the case of noun, form nouns which relevant to the most frequently used words in both korean and Japanese textbooks show similar trend. 2) In the case of the pronoun, in korean textbook, personal pronoun, demonstrative pronoun and name of the main character highly used. On the other hand, in Japanese textbook, the main character’s name and demonstrative pronouns are frequently used. 3) In the case of the verb, in Korean textbook consists of various words and the frequency of use of individual control is also remarkably high. In korean textbook, representing the behavior words like ‘하다(132), 가다(65)’ are used overwhelmingly high. In the case of Japanese textbooks, ‘する(47)’ corresponding to Korean ‘하다(132)’ used many times and words which indicating presence or absence ‘ある(49)’ identified as the most frequently used words. 4) In the case of adjective, in Korean textbook, words like ‘없다(92), 좋다(30), 같다(15), 많다(15), 둥글다(11), 희다(11), 빨갛다(10), 아름답다(10)’ are high-frequency words which used more than 10 times. In the case of Japanese textbooks, ‘いい(18), しろい(13)’ only these two words are used more than 10 times. 5) In the case of adverbs, both textbooks show similar but a little different forms all aspects of the textbook group. In Korean textbook words of reason or cause like ‘이렇게(29), 어떻게(16), 왜(16)’ frequently used, whereas in Japan textbook, words representing the quantity and frequency like ‘よく(12), すこし(8), たくさん(7)’ are used many times.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 선행연구 및 연구동향
 3. 어휘 조사 대상 및 조사 방법
 4. 품사별 비교 및 어휘 고찰
 5. 맺는 말


  • 송정식 인하공업전문대학 부교수, 일본어학․어휘론전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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