





피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast moyoda in Japanese with moyangita in Korean, focusing on the discourse situation and the discourse attitude, the degree of modality. Analysis results are as follows. (1) With reference to the discourse situation, moyoda in Japanese is mainly used in the situation of ‘public report’, whereas moyangita in Korean is used in the situation of ‘report non-public as well as public’. (2) In regard to the discourse attitude, moyoda in Japanese is mainly used in the manner of ‘objective report’. However moyangita in Korean is used in the manner of ‘report subjecitve as well as objective’. (3) moyoda in Japanese almost takes no past tense and no interrogation, no negation. But moyangita in Korean can take past tense easily and limited interrogation, no negation. As a result, the degree of modality in the former is high, whereas the degree of modality in the latter is not as high as the former.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究と問題のありか
 3. 言語資料
 4. 発話状況の比較
 5. 前接する述語の類型の比較
 6. モダリティの真正度の比較
 7. 終わりに


  • 文彰鶴 문창학. 韓国外国語大学校 日本語大学 講師, 日韓対照言語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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