





피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In “V1 tokorowo V2,” the phenomenon that “V2” expresses is referred to by “simultaneous time relations” “V1”. This “synchronism” is divided into the case that ② overlaps catalytically when the phenomenon that “V2” expresses in terms of time completely,① with “V1” coming at the same time. ①The perception activity verbs “to hear,” and “to look” express “now” and the concrete phenomenon of “here,” and thus can easily be used as “V2” in the form of the verb “shiteiru” in は “V1”. The “shita” form of “suru” in “V1” is replaced with the form of “shiteiru”. ②When “suru, shita,” in capturing movement, is used for は “V1,” and uses the “suru” form, the movement of “V1” expresses non-completion, and stage and “V2” are simultaneous. In this case, when “V1” verbs with meanings like “to kill,” “to help,” “to escape,” etc. which prevent the directionality in “V2,” are employed, there were many instances in which the operation failed. On the other hand, when the “shita” form was used, the movement of “V1” expressed completion, and this stage and “V2” occur simultaneously. In this case,when the thing that indicates a new operation of “V2” is performed in response to the operation itself, in many cases “V1” can be completed. However, in the “V1” and “V2” of “V1 tokorowo V2,” time characteristics are not always established. When thought verbs such as “to think” and “to imagine” are employed in the role of “V2,” time relationships are not always represented. Additionally,in the instance in which the “tokoro” in “tokorowo” indicates a concrete space, because “V1” takes on an adjective-like role in identifying location, the inability to express a time relationship has also been pointed out.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究と考察方法
  2.1 「V1ところをV2」のタイプ
  2.2 従属複文の時間関係
  2.3 考察の方法
 3. 同時的時間関係
  3.1 V1とV2の出来事が重複する場合
  3.2 V1とV2の出来事が接触する場合
   3.2.1 V1が限界達成前の段階の出来事
   3.2.2 V1が限界達成後の段階の出来事
 4. 時間関係が成立しない場合
  4.1 V2が思考動詞の場合
  4.2 「ところ」が空間を表す場合
 5. おわりに


  • 寺井妃呂美 弘益大学校 教養外国語学部 助教授, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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