

名詞に接続する「まえ」の意味と機能 -明治期と現代との用例比較を通じて-


명사に접속する「まえ」の의미と기능 -명치기と현대との용예비교を통じて-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper analyzes several meanings and functions of “mae” connected with a noun. In the paper, the usages of “mae” are mainly focused by comparing the two periods between Meiji-era and the present. Regarding the meanings and functions of “mae” connected with a noun, the four different cases in the study are described as follows. ① The first case of “mae” represents the concrete place where a front noun exists. In this case, “N+mae” plays an important role as a hogo in the sentence, and the predicate controls the “N+mae”. ② The second case of “mae” represents the abstract place in which a front noun exists. Similar to the first case, “N+mae” has a function of a hogo in the sentence, and the predicate controls the “N+mae”. ③ The third case represents the reason which a front noun implies, and it has the unique cause and effect relationship. “N+mae” functions as a jyokyogo in the sentence, and the predicate excludes the “N+mae”. ④ The last case represents the time which a front noun indicates. This usage was not shown in Meiji-era, but it is occasionally observed in the present. “N+mae” does function as a jyokyogo in the sentence, and the predicate excludes the “N+mae”. Summarizing the above four cases, we can conclude that the pseudo noun “mae” connected to a noun preserves the historical changes up to Meiji-era, while it gets gradual changes from Meiji-era to the present.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究と考察方法
 3. 明治期の場合
  3.1 具体的場所を表す場合
  3.2 抽象的場所を表す場合
  3.3 原因を表す場合
  3.4 時間を表す場合
 4. 現代の場合
  4.1 具体的場所を表す場合
  4.2 抽象的場所を表す場合
  4.3 原因を表す場合
  4.4 時間を表す場合
 5. まとめと今後の課題


  • 方允炯 방윤형. 水原大学校 日語日文学科 助教授, 日本語学(現代文法)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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