

流転と再生の旅 -澁澤龍彥「ねむり姫」を読む-


유전と재생の여 -삽택망언「ねむり희」を독む-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Nemurihime, which appeared in literary journal Bungei (May 1982), is a short novel of Shibusawa Tatsuhiko’s later years. Shibusawa (1928‐1987) was a French literature scholar and translator, who introduced many Western literary works to Japan. He was known as his profound knowledge of rare books and uncommon literary works. Besides, because of his some famous short stories, he has been also well known as a fantasy writer. There are various characteristics that can be found many times in Shibusawa’s novel, and they can also be seen in Nemurihime, such as topics concerning travel, doll fetishism, objects with minute details, etc. The narrator in Nemurihime makes contingency plans on Hime’s consciousness. And also Hime keeps her immortal beauty forever as a doll that makes her deified. Her life is purified through her drifting in travel at the same time. We can say the structure of her travel is like a spiral which makes her return back to water and leave for another rebirth. That Hime and Tsumuji Maru are finally united in the water can be considered that two of them return back to the starting point of life and head for another rebirth.


1. はじめに
 2. 意識の逆転
 3. 人形幻想
 4. 流転と再生に向かう旅
 5. アンドロギュノスを超えるもの
 6. まとめ


  • 林淑丹 임숙단. 台湾・文藻外国語大学 日本語学科 准教授, 日本近現代文学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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