

『계림정화 춘향전(鶏林情話 春香伝)』의번역 양상


이응수, 김효숙

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



“Chunhyangjeon” is one of the best Korean classics, and it was translated into Japanese in 1882 by Tosui Nakarai. The title of this translation was “kelim love story Chunhyangjeon”, but this translation had a big influence on the reception of the Chunhyangjeon in Japan. I analyze a translation aspect of this “kelim love story Chunhyangjeon” in this report. In this report, I analyzed the person image of an important character. The chief character of the man and woman is drawn on the character unlike the original. Idoryoeng which was a man chief character was the man whom a build had a big with the original. However, it is described in character with sexless charm like a noble appearing in the Japanese literature work in “kelim love story Chunhyangjeon”. In addition, Chunhyang which is a heroine was a modest character with the original, but is pictured in the woman who is active in a man “kelim love story Chunhyangjeon” . Tosui Nakarai changed A and B to the character that a Japanese literature work showed well. It thereby allowed a Japanese to understand “Chunhyangjeon” .


1. 들어가며
 2. 번역자 나카라이 도스이(半井桃水)
 3. 『계림정화 춘향전(鶏林情話 春香伝)』의 배경
 4. 『계림정화 춘향전(鶏林情話 春香伝)』의 번역양상
  4.1 주석과 삽화
  4.2 구성과 전개
  4.3 인물묘사의 방법
 5. 나오며


  • 이응수 세종대학교 일어일문학과 교수, 한일예능연구소 소장, 일극문학
  • 김효숙 세종대학교 일어일문학과 겸임교수, 일본고전문학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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