

한ㆍ일 역사소설에서 형상화되는 영웅상 고찰* -『객주』와 『유채꽃 앞바다(菜の花の沖)』의상인사회를 중심으로-



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article investigates the heroic images embodied in ‘inn keeper’ by Juyoung Kim and ‘a sea of rape flower’ by Shiba Ryotaro, both of which described merchants as popular heroes in terms of those novel’s societies. Both novels have one thing in common, in that both chose the timeline as the end of 19th century, the turbulent period of history. While ‘inn keeper’ introduced the main character as a popular hero, citing the chaotic social structure caused by foreign forces’ obstruction of economic growth, ‘a sea of rape flower’ described the main character as a national hero by showing the scientific advances in view of practical learning along with the development of merchandise economy. In other words, whileas Cheon Bongsam in ‘inn keeper’ stayed in the Confucian culture or system, acting as a hero defying the chaotic period caused by the foreign forces, Gaheye in ‘a sea of rape flower’ rose to the status of a national hero full of merchant spirit, clearly showing Shiba’s Japanese nationalism. Both figures in those novels are heroes showing the ideal heroic images reflecting the periods of both economic development in Korea and low economic growth period in Japan thereby revealing the national characteristics.


1. 머리말
 2. 19세기말 조선과 일본의 사회상
 3. 봉건적 신분사회에서 상인의 위치
 4. 한ㆍ일 상인사회에서 형상화되는 영웅상
 5. 맺음말


  • 이복임 한남대학교 일어일문학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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