

『겐지 모노가타리』에 나타난 색채감각 고찰 -『겐지 모노가타리 에마키』의 색채의상징성과의 관련을 중심으로-



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In Genjimonogatari, a sense of color in case related to characters represents their appearance and inner side and status in the work. A style of expression of a group of women with chain of colors contributes to making a long work and forming a subject over each individual's status. In Genjimonogatari a winter jasmine(yamabuki) means regret for fancy beauty and love, lost love of nobles and it is the best symbolic expression of Tamakazura. And so sharing the same expression of Tamakazura and Oigimi, his daughter, reveals the similarity of the two. The picture of Takegawa suggests Kurodo shosho's peeping at a scene of playing go of Tamakazura's daughters. Generally peeping symbolizes an intrusion and the power of owenership of woman by man and functions as main mechanism of developing Monogatari story. But the function of peeping in Takegawa was nullified as Kurodo shosho himself abandoned intrusion of his eyes. The picture is characterized by arrangement of yellow as color of clothes which is drawn from a winter jasmine, the common expression of Tamakazura and Oigimi. This means in Takegawa, the priority is given not to Kurodo shosho's peeping but to the meaning of Oigimi's marriage and eventually the intention of revealing the status of Oigimi as a substitution(Yukari) for Tamakazura is embedded in it. In other words, it is thought that the similarity of the fate of mother and daughter. In summary, Genjimonogatari and Genjimonogatari Emaki shares sencs of color, it is based on the painter's consciousness and design of selecting a scene which is revealed from understanding and acceptance on text.


1. 머리말
 2. 「竹河」권의 엿보기 장면
 3. 황매화(山吹)의 이미지
 4. 오이기미의 결혼담에 나타난황매화색(山吹)의 의미
 5. 맺음말


  • 김병숙 한국외국어대학교 일본학부 강사, 일본고전문학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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