

本動詞「抜く」と 複合動詞後項「~抜く」の意味


본동사「발く」と 복합동사후항「~발く」の의미


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to clarify the meaning construction of Japanese verb nuku. According to Daijirin Dictionary, nuku has 20 different meanings-pull out, chose, remove, omit, surpass etc. This paper investigates the semantic structure of nuku in the cognitive semantics view, especially image schema transformation that is supposed to offer an explanation with consistency and coherency. nuku means to ‘pull trajector B out from landmark A’ in prototypically. It means also to chose B or remove B from A subsequently. In prototipical meaning, an act of nuku make a hole in the A by pulling out B, because A and B stick to each other or compose one structure originally. This meaning extend to pierce or pass through A, moreover, pass by A, consequently. As a compund verb suffix, nuku represents a grammatical aspects that means to carry out an action completely and throughly. It is supposed that the meaning of passing through mapped the time concept.


1. はじめに
 2. 本研究の枠組み
 3. 本動詞「抜く」の意味
 4. 複合動詞後項「~抜く」の意味
 5. まとめ


  • 白以然 백이연. 고려대학교 중일어문학과 BK21플러스 연구교수, 일본어교육


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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