

申し出の場面での働きかけ方における 日韓対照研究 -対等で親しい相手に対する困難な場面を中心に-


신し출の장면での동きかけ方における 일한대조연구 -대등で친しい상수に対する곤난な장면を중심に-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is aimed to clarify differences between Korean and Japanese language behavior in scene of offer. In particular, language behavior which can be observed in ‘comparable,’ ‘acquainted’ and ‘difficult’ scenes in dynamics, degree of intimacy relation and degree of burden respectively has been examined. For this, both Korean and Japanese native speakers who study in university located in a capital region in each country have been investigated. After performing a questionnaire survey using the Discourse Completion Test, the results have been classified into ‘functional factors’ based on the analysis framework of Kumagai(2000). Then, they were analyzed from the four perspectives; ‘number of functional factors used,’ ‘communication function usage rate, ‘functional factor usage rate’ and ‘combination of functional factors.’ Then, the following results were obtained: In Japanese language, a feeling was expressed, and the other person’s intention was asked using the following communication factors in general; ‘beginning of narration,’ ‘remark of reason’ and ‘behavior scene of offer.’ In Korean language, on the contrary, scenes of offer suggesting ‘declaration’ and ‘terms of exchange’ were frequently found. Moreover, the scenes of offer using many other expressions in addition to ‘current personal situation’ have been found.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究と研究方法
  2.1 先行研究
  2.2 研究方法と調査の概要
 3. 調査結果の分析
  3.1 コミュニケーション機能と機能的要素
  3.2 機能的要素の使用数
  3.3 コミュニケーション機能の使用率
  3.4 機能的要素の使用率
  3.5 機能的要素の組み合せ
 4. 考察
 5. まとめと今後の課題


  • 峯崎知子 弘益大学校 教養外国語学部 助教授, 言語行動,日本語教育


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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