

Automation of Soda Ash Handling System using PLC and SCADA in Glass Production Line



Automation is a one of the most popular technology. Now a day’s all production based industries need automation, because it gives more advantages over manual control system such as it reduce the man power, it reduces the operational errors, it reduce the failure rates, Easy to trouble shoot the system, it reduce the maintenance cost, it eliminate the hard wiring, it gives less rejection etc. The main aim of the paper is to automate the soda ash handling system in glass production line at leading glass production industry. The glass production line all systems are controlled by DCS (Distributed control system) but some sub systems are controlled by electromechanical relay system (Hard wired control system). The relay control system looks toward many issues. To limit that issues the system change from relay control system to PLC (Programmable logic controller) control system, because it gives more advantages over relay control system. In this proposed system all parameters are controlled, processed and monitored with help of Allen Bradley PLC and Wonderware intouch SCADA software.


 1. Introduction
  1.1. Programmable Logic Controller
  1.2. SCADA
 2. Problem Description
 3. Proposed System Description
  3.1. Pneumatic System
  3.2. Electrical System
 4. PLC Software & Hardware
  4.1. Software:
  4.2. Hardware:
 5. System Working
  5.1. Flow Chart
 6. Result and Discussion
  6.1. Ladder Logic Program for Soda Ash Handling System
  6.2. Addressing for Ladder Logic Program
  6.3. SCADA Graphics
 7. Disadvantages of Existing System
 8. Advantages of Proposed System
 9. Conclusion


  • D. Ajay abilash Department of mechanical engineering, Periyar Maniammai University Thanjavur-613403 Tamilnadu, India
  • C. Ramachandra Durai Department of mechanical engineering, Periyar Maniammai University Thanjavur-613403 Tamilnadu, India
  • S. Balamurugan Department of mechanical engineering, Periyar Maniammai University Thanjavur-613403 Tamilnadu, India
  • R. Rakesh Department of mechanical engineering, Periyar Maniammai University Thanjavur-613403 Tamilnadu, India


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