

日並皇子挽歌一考察 -天照日女之命を中心に-


일병황자만가일고찰 -천조일여지명を중심に-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The song of "Manyoshu" is a song that Kakinomotono Asomi Maro is poem whendead HInamishi prince. From the perspective of the article of "Nihonsyoki" and"HIrumeno Mikoto", the deity is the sun god, is the name of God the sun godAmaterasu met before. Since the expression "HIrumeno Mikoto" is included in the court ritual song ofHItomaaro, this era, that is, until the morning Zito emperor, it is unnatural and thisGod name be used in the ritual song at least it is considered as indicating that itwas fixed so as not to be felt. In five-stage and itsyodaiiti of the "Nihonsyoki", governance of "world" and"Hirume", is entrusted with the governance of the heaven and "Amaterasu". Kikimythology otherwise, is depicted as the world should be the reign of emperorconsistently.It seems to be not the supreme God of the sun god ancient Japan toreign over the gods, this is, and says the presence of the lore was subordinate Godof supreme God. Be in landlady, not the goddess sun god Amaterasu established earlier, accordingto the historiography of China to "Zuisyo" A "heaven → emperor → sun god", thephase, was not a supreme God. Spirit rating of the sun god of conventional not high, I was only a pillar of deism. Worthy of kingship, the figure of supreme reign over the gods only or would notin was necessary. I suspect Therefore, image various called "sun god, Koso God,Orihime, supreme God, Kokuray, Ogami" is superimposed on the Amaterasu.


1. はじめに
 2. ヒルメに関する諸説
 3. ヒルメの天上統治
 4. ヒルメの位相
 5. ヒルメとアマテラス
 6. むすび


  • 洪聖牧 홍성목. 韓国外国語大学校 日本学部 非常勤講師, 日本上代文学専攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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