

복합격조사 「にとって」와 「として」의교체에 관한 분석



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper attempts to investigate the established conditions for the exchangeof complex case particles such as 「nitotte(にとって)」 and 「tosite(として)」, focusingon the characteristics of preceding noun and subsequent predicate. The results canbe summarized as follows. There is a case where the complex case particle 「tosite(として)」 can be replacedwith 「nitottewa(にとっては)」 when it indicates 「the judged and subjectified positionby taking nouns that represent the person or organization」in the form of 「tositewa(としては)」. While 「tositewa(としては)」indicates 「the position that implements judgments onthe behavior and state of the predicate」 mainly at the front of the sentence,「nitottewa(にとっては)」 can be said to represent 「(assumed) standpoint」in whichsuch judgments are established by restrictively taking state-related predicates suchas 「expression indicating impossibility」, 「expression indicating inner feelings orsense」, and 「value judgment or evaluation」 from the predicate. Accordingly, it can be safely said that when 「tosite(として)」 indicates 「judgedand subjectified position」, it can be replaced with 「nitotte(にとって)」 only in caseof taking 「state-related predicates that create feelings and make value judgmentor evaluation」 from the predicate. And when what is equivalent to A as in [Aは(wa) Xにとって(nitotte) / Xとして(tosite)....] refers to abstract information by taking a long modifier phrase), theexchange of both complex case particles is easy. In addition, it can be said that the replacement with 「tositewa(としては)」became easier since the meaning of 「contrast」 or 「specification」is added to「nitotte(にとって)」 due to the proclitic 「wa(は)」. Based on the results of the aforementioned study, this paper attempts to describethe features of the sentence pattern 「Xにとって(は)(nitotte(wa)), Aは(wa) Bだ(da)」 as follows. [1] From the point of view in which X is assumed semantically, it is possibleto judge that 「A is B (Aは(wa)Bだ(da))」. [2] 「X」 is mostly referred to as the person or its equivalent personifiedorganization. [3] 「B」 has many parts of speech with a high status characteristics such as nouns,predicates and adjectives. [4] There are many cases that require contrastive contexts.


1. 머리말
 2. 선행연구의 검토 및 문제의 제기
  2.1. 의미에 관한 연구
  2.2. 「にとって」와 「として」의 교체에관한 연구
 3. 「にとって」와 「として」의 특성 비교
 4. 「にとって」와 대비와의 관계
 5. 「にとって」와 「として」와의 교체
 6. 맺음말


  • 정혜지 경북대학교 일어일문학과 강사, 일본어학 전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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