

중세 전ㆍ후기 자료에 나타나는추량조동사 「む」의 특징



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is a study of the characteristics of the writing system and the meaningof "Mu" "N" "U" "You" The following is the results. First, the characteristics of the writing system is that "Mu" "N" was both usedin the early Middle Age. "N" "U" were both used at end of the Middle Age. Atthe end of Middle Age, the frequency of use of "Mu" decreased sharply and thefrequency of use of "N" decreased. However, the frequency of use of "U" increased. The way of writing them is different by the individuals writing them. The reasonthat use of "Mu" decreased sharply is that the writing system changed over from"Mu" to "N". The lot of use of "U" in the Colloquial Sources At the end of MiddleAge shows that "U" has Colloquial writing system compared to "N". Compared tothe use of "N"and "U", "N" was found mainly in the written sources like forewordor WAKA, U" was used a lot in the Colloquial sources. Second, as a characteristic of the meaning, that expression of --- distributed in the early Middle Age. At the end of MiddleAge the expressions of --- distributed. Itshows that the early Middle Age has different use from the end of Middle Age. However, expressions of is used most during thesame period and it shows that The main meaning of "Mu" is . The meaning does not change, though the writing system changed from"Mu" to "U" "You". The remarkable characteristic at the end of Middle Age is that the expressionsof had been decreasing. The reason that the expressionsof decreased is that adnominal form decreased and,function of itself decreased.


1. 머리말
 2. 고찰방법 및 분석자료
 3. 「む」의 표기형태의 특징
 4. 「む」의 의미용법의 특징
 5. 마무리


  • 이수향 가천대학교 일본어문학과 조교수, 일본어사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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