

「∼에 빠지다」에 대응되는「∼ニ落ちるㆍ陥るㆍ嵌るㆍ溺れる」의연어(collocation) 정보 고찰



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study contemplates on the various Japanese verbs denoting downwardmovement, such as “∼ni ochiru”, “∼ni ochiiru”, “∼ni hamaru”, “∼ni oboreru”,which corresponds to expression“∼e ppajida” in Korean. By doing so, this studyhas examined synonymity among each verbs and collocation information of thoseverbs. Basically, a clause like “∼e ppajida” in Korean and corresponding Japanese verbssuch as“∼ni ochiru”, “∼ni ochiiru”, “∼ni hamaru”, “∼ni oboreru” both exhibit adownward image, thus implying negative semantic value in terms of expressive andconceptual aspect as Morita(1996) points out. Hence, the four types were showingnegative meaning even though the noun in itself have never had negativeimplications. Among the four types, “∼ni hamaru” covers three meaning areas which makesit available to use in most wide areas. Also, it is the most similar form of “∼eppajida” in Korean. The other types such as“∼ni ochiiru” could be combined withstate nouns when expressing delicate situations, and “∼ni oboreru” is commonlyused in describing negative behaviors or if someone's indulged into something.


1. 머리말
 2. 연구의 의의
 3. 각 동사의 의미
 4. 각 동사의 연어 정보 비교
 5. 맺음말


  • 유은성 단국대학교 교육대학원 외래강사, 일본어교육학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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