In this article, centering the Japanese postpositional particles such as 「kara, wo,ni, de, to」, which correspond to the Korean postpositional particle 「(으)로」, I havestudied the applicabilities or not of the substitution as well as the semantic andsyntactic conditions when these correspondences are approved. The objects of consideration are the following cases in the usages of 「(으)로」. ① channel: 「kara」 or 「wo」 corresponds to. ② cause/reason: Basically, 「de」 corresponds to. Restrictively, substituting 「kara」for 「de」 is approved. ③ ground of judgement: Basically, 「kara」 corresponds to. Restrictively, substituting「de」 for 「kara」 is approved. ④ content of judgement: In many cases, 「to」 corresponds to, however, thecorrespondences of 「ni」 「ni/to」 「de/tosite」 and others are approved in somepredicates. ⑤ aspect: In many cases, 「de」 or 「ni」 corresponds to, however, exceptionally,「to」 「kara」 correspond to in some cases. ⑥ object of choice: 「ni」 or 「wo」 corresponds to. The result of the consideration shows that the Japanese postpositional particlescorresponding to 「(으)로」 have the various aspects under the semantic and syntacticconditions and others.
2. 선행연구에 대하여
3. 「(으)로」에 대응하는 일본어 조사
4. 맺음말