

터키 한국어 학습자를 위한 한국어 번역 수업 개발 연구 - 에르지예스 대학교 한국어문학과 “터키어-한국어 번역 연습” 수업 사례를 중심으로


A study on the course development of Korean language translation for Turkish learners of Korean : A case study on the Turkish-Korean translation course in the department of Korean language and literature at Erciyes University in Turkey


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is a case study on the Turkish-Korean translation course in the department of Korean language and literature at Erciyes University in Turkey. It examines in detail the development process and contents of the Turkish-Korean Translation Practice course, which was first offered in the spring semester of 2016. Through a careful review of the class’s syllabus and methods, the goal is to correct any issues identified and establish a foundation for improving the quality and effectiveness of Turkish-Korean translation education in Turkey. In developing the course, local needs, the contents of the other courses in the Korean language department, survey results, and the students’ Korean ability and study habits were taken into account. The specific course objective is for students to improve their Korean ability and acquire basic translation skills. It was determined there would be three types of course content used in conjunction with translations into Korean: Turkish expressions, Korean grammar, and specific texts. Students progressed from translating sentences to paragraphs to everyday conversations; they were expected to translate the texts accurately and naturally into the target language of Korean. In light of the fact that there are no Turkish-Korean translation programs at Turkish universities, this case study can provide a concrete model for how to develop and teach a Turkish-Korean translation course at an university in Turkey.


 I. 들어가며
 II. 본론
  1. 한국어 번역 수업의 방향 및 목표 설정
  2. 수업 내용의 범주 설정 및 번역 텍스트 선정
  3. <터키어-한국어 번역 연습>의 실제 강의안 및 수업 방식
 III. 나가며; 남은 과제들


  • 유정숙 Yoo, Jung Suk. 에르지예스 대학교, 터키


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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