

비재현적 번역론 관점에서 본 문학번역 윤리


Translation ethics from non-representative perspective of literature translation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



For Plato, ‘signifiant’ and ‘signifie’ are separable and only ‘signifie’ is universal, identical, immutable and independent. Classic French translation philosopher Berman criticizes Plato’s view on language of this kind which ranks the relationship between signifiant and signifie in ontological order. Plato’s ‘meaning-centered theory of translation’ inherently puts an original text in ontologically superior position to translated works by granting the original text such as a literary work an absolute status and authority similar to ‘eidos.’ ‘Meaning-centered translation’ borders Plato’s representative relationship, which means that ontological status of ‘B’ is decided by the degree of closeness to upper-level ‘A.’ Substituting this in translation, upper-level ‘A’ becomes ‘original text’ while lower level ‘B’ becomes ‘translated work’, and translated work ‘B’s status is decided on how close ‘B’ is to original ‘A’ or how closely ‘B’ represents or reproduces the original ‘A’. Therefore, ‘B=translated work’ becomes subordinate, secondary, derivative, inferior and marginal to ‘A=original text.’ The purpose of this study is to reflect on translation ethics from non-representative perspective of Deleuze who criticized Plato’s representative theory of translation and apply this to ‘Kitchen’ literature translation.


 I. 들어가기
 II. 철학 담론으로서의 ‘직역 對 의역’
 III. 비재현(非再現)적 번역
 IV. 번역윤리
 V. 문학번역과 번역윤리
  1. 『키친』(민음사, 1999)
  2. 『8월의 저편』(2004, 동아일보사)
 VI. 나가기


  • 박미정 Park, Mijung. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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