

『東海道四谷怪談』영화화에 대한 일고찰 -나카가와 노부오(中川信夫)의 <東海道四谷怪談>의 경우-


『동해도사곡괴담』영화화에 대한 일고찰 -나카가와 노부오(中川信夫)의 <동해도사곡괴담>의 경우-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is about Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidann and . The former was premiered in 1825 and the latter was made on the basisof the original text in 1959. Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidann was first performed at thesame time as Chushingura and borrowed from the Sekai of Chushingura. Nanbokucontrasted humans with ghosts, external ugliness with internal wickedness, andfiction with non-fiction. Also, he improved reality through that. But that does notmean that he looked upon the world in terms of a dichotomy. He showed theoverthrow of ideology and the times for positioning the audience at a vague boundary. Periodical characteristics is as follows. The 「Yotsuya zatsudannsyuu」 factionstrengthen the role of the ghost, and emphasizes the sense of horror for that. Onthe other hand, Yotsuya Kaidann contrasts filial piety with loyalty and public desirewith private desire by adding real incidents with the sense of horror. The film describes Iemon as weak by weakening an evil side of himrelatively. That also makes viewers feel pity for Iemon because he committed suicidefor repentance and apology. And that finally goes off into the sunset by focusingon love, not public revenge but private revenge. In conclusion, Yotsuya Kaidann makes people experience fear by providing avisual image, and have a topic about universal human beauty and ugliness, goodand evil, and truth and fiction. Those are the reasons that discourse of YotsuyaKaidann and 「Oiwa」 had been repeated through a diverse range of media. Also,Yotsuya Kaidann is not dichotomous but provides a crevice in interpretation. Thatis the because Yotsuya Kaidann live on.


1. 서론
 2. 본론
  2.1 『요쓰야괴담』의 개요와 서사구성
  2.2 리얼리티 강화를 위한 픽션과 논픽션의 혼재
  2.3 <요쓰야괴담> 영화의 계보
  2.4 <도카이도 요쓰야괴담>의 장면분석
 3. 결론


  • 최중락 숭실대학교 일어일본학과 강사, 중앙대 박사과정, 일본문화전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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