

근세기 동아시아 전기소설의 흐름 -「이생규장전(李生窺墻傳)」과 「아사지가야도(浅茅が宿)」의 비교를 중심으로-



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Though 『Jeon-deung-sin-hwa』, the only novel which was written in the written-language style on the Myoung dynasty era, was banned in China, but the bookstill gave so much effects to other East Asian countries that it was succeeded by『Geum-o-shin-hwa』 and 『Jeon-deung-sin-hwa-gu-hae』 in Chosun, to 『Otogi-boko』and 『Ugetsu-monogatari』 in Japan, 『Jeongimanlok』 in Vietnam, and, so on. In EastAsian region, a trend of romance novels existed, but, nevertheless, most studiesdealing with major cultural flows and exchanges generally described acquirementand transformation of Chinese literature. This study tried to shed new light on the trend of 'Romance novels' in the Eastasian cultural zone by examining influence relationship with Japanese grotesquenovels in connection with the acceptance of Chosun texts by Hayashi Razan. Specifically, by comparing 「Leesaeng-gyujang-jeon」 of Geum-o-shin-hwa whichhave refence to 「Ae-kyung-jeon」 and 「Asajiga-yado」 of 『Ugetsu-monogatari』, Iconsidered what influence relations exist between two works. As a result it was found that Choirang, a positive and independent woman in「Leesaeng-gyujang-jeon」, felt grief by repeated meeting and departing withLeesaeng, a soft and passive man, and her tragic grudge grew maximized whenshe kept her fidelity even in the war. Meanwhile, 「Asajiga-yado」 of Japan also hassimilar points. The story of 「Asajiga-yado」 describes a wife who always waits untildeath, but, in fact, the main theme the author intended was not stayed just there. The wife’s grief in the work resides in the husband who doesn’t care her mind, thatis, the absence of communication. When individual desires and the dominant logicof their belonged society are conflicted each other, characters in the two works of「Leesaeng-gyujang-jeon」 and 「Asajiga-yado push to a transcendent world and tryto find the solutions there. Though non-realistic and fantastic story was selected, a realistic and progressive view of humanity of the writer himself was being strongly reflected inside of it. Considering these points overall, when Akinari wrote 『Ugetsu-monogatari』, he might already meet Hayashi Razan’s 『Mae-Wol-Dang-Geum-o-shin-hwa』, and 『Geum-o-shin-hwa』can be said to give deep influence to his creative mind.


1. 서론
 2. 일본에 유입된 『金鰲新話』와 「李生窺墻傳」
 3. 『雨月物語』의 「浅茅が宿」
 4. 비교적 관점에서 보는 恨의 모티브
 5. 결론


  • 김경희 단국대학교 일본연구소 학술연구교수, 일본근세문학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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