

한일 근대여성문학에 나타난 ‘여성’의 두 가지 초상 -김명순(金明淳)『疑心의 少女』와 다무라 도시코(田村俊子) 『체념(あきらめ)』을 중심으로-



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This was studied women who described through the heroine of "Girl of the doubt"by Kim, Meongsoon and "Resigned" by Tamura, Toshiko in Korea-Japan women'sliterature. Through the works was divided into two symbols to recognize womenat that time. One is Beomne who is represented in the , the otheris Tomie that is symbolized in the . Kim, Meeongsoon haveseen their project and showed their projected using Beomne. The onlypretty her did not even know what was the problem of adult. Nevertheless she triedto escape on their own to find a way out but feeble her by the maternal grandfatherwas forced to live a life of wandering. Tamura, Toshiko began to enter thecommunity just over Tomie wanted to represent women's issues. Tomie isconfronted in the school system in terms of the woman looks like overcomes thelimitations of women just like. Within the institutional home and communityultimately constrained by women forced to live a life that follows acknowledges thefact that. So one day at the tim of by two female artists in Korea and Japan havebeen channeled to the woman image and . This is similar to the situation of the two literary circles and to accommodate themodern aspect. Colonial Korea as a woman if you understand the double outsider, Beomne existsin the triple outsider. However, the authors did not think Beomne rather than thetriple. Among 'children' in literary and colonial Korea situation are 'a little girl'again the outsider indicate that the presence of a weak showing is considered. Theacceptance of modernity in Korea by Japan, the secondary accept that shall havethe same meaning. But that one embrace of Western modernity in Japan would have been better to live as a woman to think are wrong. Japanese woman forced to liveis a continuation of the resignation, it was showed all night crying Tomie.


1. 머리말
 2. ‘제도’에 감금당하는 ‘여성’
 3. 탈출을 시도하는 ‘범네’와 ‘도미에’
 4. 미약한 존재로서의 ‘여성’
 5. 맺음말


  • 권선영 신라대학교 강사, 근현대문학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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