This paper studies the semantic functioning of Shiyou and Haja, the representativeform of inducement in Japanese and Korean, respectively. In particular, it investigatesthe differences of the semantic functions between Shiyou and i and what cause them,focusing on the case in which the agent is the speaker and the case in which theagent is the speaker as well as the listener. In the case in which the agent is the speaker, the semantic function of Shiyouand Haja can be divided into will expression and action interest. First of all, in thecase of will expression, while the execution of the action has nothing to do withthe listener in the case of Shiyou, the will to execute the action that has not yetrealized is directly related to the listener in the case of Haja. Second, in the caseof action interest, the speaker suggests the action to be executed on behalf of thelistener in the case of Shiyou whereas the speaker, on behalf of him/herself, asksthe listener to understand the execution of the action in the case of Haja. In addition, in the case in which the agent is the speaker as well as the listener,the semantic function of Shiyou and Haja can be divided into suggestion andinducement. First of all, in the case of suggestion, while it is a suggestion of thespeaker to the listener as a potentiality in the situation where the execution of theaction is not yet decided in the case of Shiyou, Haja, which is not employed assuggestion, is an inducement that asks the listener to join the action that is alreadydecided by the speaker. Second, in the case of inducement, Shiyou makes roomsfor the listener to contemplate whether s/he would accept the demand of the speakerwhereas Haja, which is unable to be employed for upper person, has the enforcementpower that gives no such rooms for the listener. This study implies that these differences derive from the fact that while Shiyouis originally not a form of inducement, but a form of expression of the speaker’swill, Haja is originally a form of inducement in which the listener is asked to jointhe execution of the action by the speaker.
2. 先行研究
3. 話し手の行為を表す「しよう」と「하자」
4. 話し手と聞き手の行為を表す「しよう」と「하자」
5. まとめ