

『廣漢和辭典』의 国訓 考察 -土部⋅水部⋅言部를 대상으로-


『광한화사전』의 국훈 고찰 -토부⋅수부⋅언부를 대상으로-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study deals with 84 instances of Kokkun(Japanese usage) of 62 Chinesecharcters in To-bu, Sui-bu, and Gen-bu of Kō-kanwajiten(広漢和辞典). At first, I compared these instances with those of Dai-kanwajiten(大漢和辞典),a current large-size Hanzi-Japanese dictionary and Kanjikai(漢辞海), a medium-sizedictionary. As a result, only 50% of instances in the former and 30% in the latterare recognized as Japanese Usages. From this result, we can conclude that thecategory of Japanese usage of Hanzi is treated differently in these dictionaries. Only14 instances are recognized as a Kokkun by all of them. Second, I investigated these Hanzis in Zushoryōbon Ruizhumyōgishō(図書寮本類聚名義抄) which was compiled at the beginning of the 12th century, andKanchiinbon Ruizhumyōgishō(觀智院本類聚名義抄) which was compiled at the endof the 12th century. Only in 15% and 25% of these Hanzis, respectively, the same Kunsas those of Kō-kanwajiten were found. However we can not decide clearly whetherthese Kuns mean the same things as the corresponding Kokkuns of Kō-kanwajiten,because these dictionaries did not recorded explanation about each word. Third, I made a comparison with Nihonkokugo dai-jiten(日本国語大事典), arepresentative large-size Japanese dictionary. This dictionary includes 67 examples,in other words, 80% of words are recorded. I confirmed that the meaning of eachword is the same as that of Kō-kanwajiten. However there are 9 examples whichare recorded as having the same meaning, but Hanzi was not recorded, and 3 Kokkunexamples are not recorded as a headword. Finally I examined Genkai(言海) which was compiled at the 19th century in theabove-mentioned way. As a result, 60% of examples are recorded as Kokkun andheadword. However 40% of examples are not. I assume that it is due to the lackof coherence between the corresponding Hanzi and Kun(Japanese meaning) in the19th century.


1. 서론
 2. 본론
  2.1. 고찰대상자료
  2.2 『廣漢和辭典』의 國訓-土部⋅水部⋅言部의 경우-
  2.3. 『廣漢和辭典』의 國訓 考察
 3. 결론


  • 오미영 숭실대학교 일어일본학과 부교수, 일본어학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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