

Skypeを使ったアカデミック日本語授業の試み -日韓協定校の事例-


Skypeを사ったアカデミック일본어수업の시み -일한협정교の사례-

斎藤麻子, 大塚薫, 若月祥子, 林翠芳

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study focuses on connecting professors and students between sisteruniversities using remote technology. For this study, a readily available method,Skype technology, was used to communicate. In addition, this study used TeamViewer (PC remote control software) and showed a Japanese instructor on the screenat the front of the class. The students in the 'Japanese Communication 1' class, upper-intermediate levelJapanese major class, were to carry out seven different video calls on differentsubjects with counterparts including professors of a sister university in Japan,exchange students living in Japan, and local residents in Japan. Before and aftereach of the video calls, students were taught how to ask and answer in moreappropriate Japanese from the class instructor. By joining this class with the videocall, using Skype, with the sister University in Japan, it was found that it is possibleto import and share the knowledge and experience of domestic classes with a sisteruniversity abroad. In this experiment, four advantages were confirmed. 1) Real-time communication with Japanese learners not only in Japan but alsoin other countries. 2) Close communication with people not only in universities but also people inthe local communities. 3) Communication with staff in sister universities to get information prior to thedeparture of leaving a country for the exchange programs. 4) Getting information on the level of classes that are currently taught in thesister universities in Japan. From the above findings, using Internet communication technology enhances theacademic activities regarding Japanese education between sister universities.


1. はじめに
 2. 授業の概要
  2.1 授業の位置づけと学習者のレベル
  2.2 授業の流れ
  2.3 授業の環境と設備
 3. 授業の内容
  3.1 授業カリキュラムの概要
  3.2 各授業の内容
   3.2.1 Skypeによる遠隔教育
   3.2.2 質疑応答の問題点
   3.2.3 対面教育の内容
 4. 授業の振り返り
 5. まとめ


  • 斎藤麻子 明知大学校 日語日文学科 教授
  • 大塚薫 대총훈. 高知大学 国際⋅地域連携センター国際連携部門 准教授
  • 若月祥子 弘益大学校 教養科 助教授
  • 林翠芳 림취방. 高知大学 国際⋅地域連携センター国際連携部門 准教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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