





피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In many studies, -janaika has been classified as an“expression of requiringconfirmation”, that is one of the subclasses of “interrogatives”. However, if we takea closer look at the sentences with -janaika, there are many cases that may nothave the sense of interrogation. In this study, we developed a grammatical theoryof modality from the view of pragmatics by focusing on the cases that -janaikacan have the function of not only “interrogatives” but also “declaratives” or“imperatives” in the situation with the listener. Specifically, first, we showed that -janaika can be divided into two sentence types:an “expression of requiring confirmation” classified as “interrogatives”, and an“expression of requiring recognition” classified as “declaratives”, depending onwhether the speaker’s evaluation of the listener’s recognitional condition are positiveor negative. We offered the following two grounds that -janaika as the expressionof requiring for confirmation is classified as declaratives 1)it can be used as ananswer, 2) it can be used as an alternative to -yo. Secondly, we confirmed that -janaika as the expression of requiring recognitionis the form to demand situational change from the present situation to the situationthat the speaker demands. We argued -janaika not only means demanding recognitionfrom the listener but also derives the equivalent function to imperatives, whenthe speaker demands situational change. Thus, we found that one form can be four sentence types by showing a mechanismthat -janaika has come to have four functions: “expressives”, “intertogatives”,“declaratives” and “imperatives”.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究の検討と問題提起
 3. 「じゃないか」の文類型
  3.1 問いかけ(確認要求表現)VS述べ立て(認識要求表現)
  3.2 述べ立て(認識要求表現)VS働きかけ(行為要求表現)
 4. 「じゃないか」の特異性
 5. まとめ


  • 金志姫 김지희. カトリック大学校 日語日本文化学科 講師


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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