

文化教育に対する日本語教師の認識と実践の現状について -日本語教師を対象としたアンケート調査を中心に-


문화교육に대する일본어교사の인식と실천の현상について -일본어교사を대상としたアンケート조사を중심に-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the research, we executed a questionnaire survey centered on the questionssuch as necessity of cultural education, learning effect of cultural education, problemsof cultural education and the class of cultural education targeting the Japaneselanguage teachers of Korean general high schools, and did qualitative analysis onthe respondent data. As a result, it could be known that teachers recognized thenecessity of cultural education, . As for the learning effect of cultural education, there were opinionssuch as . And as for the problems of cultural education, theymentioned in short of culture-related data,teachers' etc. In this respect, itwas shown that Japanese language teachers recognize that language and cultureare associated with each other, but recognize that culture is a means to arouse interestin language learning, and in cultural education they make much of cultural knowledgeand information. When reviewing the content of the class of the teachers with such recognition,it can be divided into . In , it is shown that they recognize acquiring fixed cultural content withknowledge・information as culture understanding. I can be known that the way ofthinking of teachers making much of cultural knowledge and information affects theclass. In , it is seen that teachers recognize the ability thatfrom the start point of personal level, they explain mutual ideas, adjust it, and understand one another. Thus, they don't recognize Japanese culture as a big fixedand uniform frame like nation⋅people, but as the capacity to start from personallevel and understand one another, which greatly suggests that it is a necessaryconcept in cultural education in future.


1. はじめに
  1.1 研究目的
  1.2 先行研究及び本稿の立場
 2. 研究方法
  2.1 調査の概要
  2.2 分析方法
 3. 分析結果
  3.1 文化教育の必要性
  3.2 文化教育の学習効果
  3.3 文化教育における問題点
  3.4 文化教育実践
 4. おわりに


  • 金義泳 김의영. 徳成女子大学 日語日文学科 講師, 日本語教育学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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