

差別と共生の政治文化 ―部落差別と日本型規律権力について―


차별と공생の정치문화 ―부락차별と일본형규율권력について―


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As French philosopher Etienne Balibar had once defined, a principal origin of theracism is a caste‐based, descent one. This paper aims to summarize historicalbackground of buraku and the discrimination against buraku through the facts inmedieval to the modern period, with referring to analysis of folklore studies in Japanand anthropology in South Asia. Next, I will show how the caste‐based and descentdiscriminatory practices attached with modern racism. In order to the examination,I focus on a custom in Japanese political culture such as occasional expedients,‘hoben’ as Buddhist term in Japanese, which means an avoidance of absoluteprinciple of judgment but an application of temporal expedients. By referring tothe ‘hoben,’ I show how discipline‐power functions by activating ‘hoben’ in Japanesepolitical culture. The manner of hoben in Japanese political culture relativizesabsolute standards in moral and ethical principles based on Confucian or religions. Therefore it has prevented Japanese society from establishing political democracyand the political culture for cultural symbiotic customs as moral and ethicaldisciplines. Based on these arguments, I will show the necessary conditions forrealization of multicultural customs among minorities, and for the relationshipbetween minorities and majorities.


1. はじめに
 2. 部落差別の規定をめぐる先行研究
  2.1 部落差別の根拠をめぐって:マルクス主義史学⋅網野中世史
  2.2 インド⋅カースト制度とケガレ研究
 3. 被差別民に対する差別の現象形態と日本型規律権力
  3.1 近世「仁政」思想と<穢れ>観
  3.2 近世における種姓観と御百姓意識
  3.3 日本型規律権力と<方便>
 4. 現在の状況と課題
  4.1 オールロマンス事件と在日朝鮮人との共生の実践
  4.2 終わりに代えて:現在の課題


  • 友常勉 우상면. 東京外国語大学国際日本研究センター


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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