

일본근대문학과 의식주 문화 -시가 나오야(志賀直哉)문학을 중심으로-



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Shiga Naoya tried to eat well, wear warmly and live in comfort. He was extremelyinterested in essential life. In his early works, there are no direct expressions onclothes, foods and spaces of living, so we can just guess what his thoughts andfeelings are. ‘Up to Abashiri’ and ‘The gray moon’ show us changes of status on each character,and we can catch the changes by their clothes. In ‘up to Abashiri’, the mom withtwo children puts on beautiful kimono, but it is old fashioned and not suitable forthe season. ‘The gray moon’ is written directly after the world warⅡ, so the boywho is dying of hunger is wearing rags. In ‘The gods of boy’ and ‘A girl kidnapping story’, the food represents maincharacter’s desire. In ‘The gods of boy’, the boy wants to eat some sushi, but hecannot afford to the expensive food. On the other hands, the main character of ‘Agirl kidnapping story’ has precious foods. But the food itself cannot make theirproblems solved at all, so it is described as the symbol of desire. ‘A Dark Night’s Passing’ and ‘A life scene’ have something in common withliving space. Kyoto is based in both novels and the local color is well brought outin these stories. The hero characters move around a lot, but cannot familiar withthe local people soon. We can fully find out that Shiga’s writings reflect his love of humanity andinterests in essential life of food, clothes, and lodging.


1. 들어가기
 2. 신분의 변화를 보여주는 ‘의복(衣)’
 3. 욕망의 표현으로 나타난 ‘음식(食)’
 4. 지방색을 보여주는 ‘주거(住)’공간
 5. 나가기


  • 金善暎 김선영. 청주대학교 일어일문학과 조교수, 일본근대문학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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