

일본어 형용사의 활용체계에 관한 제언



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study pointed out problems about Japanese adjective conjugation. To bespecific, this paper checked the problems about adjective conjugation in Japaneseschool grammar and conjugation in Japanese education, and studied how to proposeit. School grammar proposes adjective conjugation's system just as verbal conjugation's. For example, the system of adjective conjugation, having 6 conjugated forms includingimperative form which is not for adjective, does not reflect features of the adjectiveproperly. In addition, the system of adjective conjugation in Japanese educationsuggests different forms to meet the goal for Japanese education. However, therehas limits to explain all the forms of adjectives. Moreover, there has been only fewattempts to criticize the system of adjective conjugation as well, unlike the systemof verbal conjugation has been studied a lot through conventional studies. Therefore, this study pointed out a problem about the discordance between theusage and name for the conjugation in school grammar. Besides, this study alsopointed out that it is not able to explain all the conjugation by the system of theJapanese education. To settle these problems, this study suggested a conjugationsystem by predicative function and modifier's function, considering adjective'sfunctional features. This attempt is meaningful in that how adjectives work in thetext was considered, not to simply learn the pattern of adjectives.


1. 들어가기
 2. 학교문법에서의 형용사 활용형
 3. 일본어교육에서의 형용사 활용형
 4. 형용사 활용형의 개선안
 5. 맺음말


  • 장근수 상명대학교 일어교육과 부교수, 일본어학ㆍ일본어교육


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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