

제임스 웰치의 『풀스 크로우 』에 나타난 탈식민화 전략과 통문화적 가치


Strategies for Decolonization and Transcultural Values in James Welch’s Fools Crow


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



James Welch’s Fools Crow is a counter narrative that interrogates the oppressive colonialist power which attempts to exterminate Blackfeet Indians and annihilate their traditions through massacres, deceptive treaties, and imposition of agriculture, farming and ranching, which were alien to them. For Welch, what is more devastating to the Blackfeet beside the external violence is the results of internal colonization characterized by despair, impotent feeling, and self-depreciation. Regaining the confidence and pride as the Blackfeet plays an essential role in the decolonization process. Traditional values and stories, and lives and ceremonies are the essential means to restore the tribal identity and pride. However, it should be noted that the ultimate aim of his decolonization does not lie in negating every trace of the violent colonialist history but in transforming its legacy into a story of survivance. Tribalism is an effective means to start the decolonization process but not an end in itself; it should not be viewed as an exclusive one. His efforts to overcome colonialism does not concentrate on the negation of the colonial past, which has already become an undeniable part of Blackfeet history. The remembrance of the tribal traditions and life styles in a certain period is an important step in Welch’s decolonization and self-appreciation process. Yet, the traditions he tries to remember are not static and trapped in a certain period of the past but dynamic and fluid; they change and progress with exchanges and hybridization between different cultures. Welch’s transcultural tribalism works as a necessary step to free the Blackfeet from the shackles of internal colonization and regain the tribal honor and pride, which will eventually make it possible for them to coexist with Whites on an equal status without being degraded to a mere adjunct to White American history.


I. 들어가는 말
 II. 식민주의적 기획과 억압의 역사
 III. 전통적 삶의 거부와 수용 : 패스트 호스와 풀스 크로우
 IV. 통문화적 가치
 V. 나가는 말


  • 강자모 Jamo Kang. 세종대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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